Next Gen Leaders Peer Group
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
8:00-9:30 a.m.
Second Wednesday of each month from 8-9:30 a.m. unless otherwise indicated.
Ohio Dominican University
Griffin Student Center - Room 276
1215 Sunbury Road
Columbus 43219
Please print and place this PARKING PASS on your dashboard.
Free for ALL Conway Center family business members to attend. This is a "drop-in" peer group for family business members, you are encouraged but not required to attend all the sessions of this series. Come when you can, but please register or RSVP in advance!
Contact Information
Amy Dotts, COO & Events Manager
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Increasing Self-Awareness
Knowing that self-awareness is important is one thing. Living in it is something else entirely. This month we will look at ways we can grow in self-awareness and begin to benefit from understanding ourselves and our roles within the family business, along with some practical steps we can take to encourage others toward greater self-awareness.
Note that these sessions are only for family members only who work in a family business.
Our Next Generation Leaders Peer Group is for up-and-coming family business members who are interested in assuming greater leadership roles in their family-owned business. Each month, Mike O?Donnell, Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant from Integrated Leadership Systems will provide content and facilitate group discussion on topics that are relevant and necessary to growth as a next gen family business leader.