Rising CEO Peer Group
The Rising CEO Peer Group is for next gens who will be taking a greater leadership position in their family business. The group is by invitation only and there is an additional annual fee to attend.
Connect with the Conway 2/2/2024
We are hosting a breakfast for new, returning, or any other family business or service provider members interested in learning more about getting the most out of your Conway Center membership! This event will give everyone an opportunity to network with other family business leaders, and to learn more about the history of the Conway Center, its offerings and member benefits.
Non-Family C-Suite Leaders Peer Group
For non-family C-suite leaders working in a family business. Peer-to-peer driven, sessions focus on objective and thoughtful insight and advice from those in similar situations. Additional fee to attend. Pre-approval to join and RSVP required.
Live Webinar: The L10 Meeting
Join us for a live webinar with Ryan Yeoman, a Professional EOS Implementer. Ryan will present a series of webinars on using EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System®) tools to improve meetings and accountability at all levels in your family business. This is the first in a series of three sessions on using EOS tools to improve meetings and accountability at all levels in your family business. In this session, he will go through the Level 10 (L10) meetings: how to structure them, what to include, why they are important, and more!
Women in Family Business Peer Group
Juggling Responsibilities - Do you stick to your priorities and feel productive, or do small, everyday emergencies control how you spend your days at work? Join us for a discussion on how to become more productive, reduce time waste, and efficiently manage your multiple responsibilities so you can reclaim your time and improve your overall well-being.
Next Gen Leaders Peer Group
How Self-Awareness Impacts the Family Business - Working with people who’ve known you forever can create some roles and norms that may be outdated. We’ll define self-awareness, discuss why it matters, and explore how it can help your business grow.
Monthly Educational Program: Family Business Spotlight - Accelerated Laboratory Logistics
Join us for a candid discussion with Todd Wilson, President of Accelerated Laboratory Logistics. Learn the remarkable story of this 103-year-old company that has evolved from moving household goods to relocating laboratories throughout the United States, weathering the storms of both the Great Depression and Covid. Now in its 3rd generation of leadership, Todd will share the history, values, succession journey, and hopes for the future. He'll also discuss their plans to open the Columbus Museum of African American History and Culture for the many artifacts they have on display.
Webinar: NxtGen Nexus LIVE WEBINAR - From 100-year old Family Business to Raising $100M in Venture Capital
Alex Canters love of his family business and desire for change led to creating Ordermark where he raised $100+M and changed the restaurant industry. Alex Canter loves Canter?s Deli ? the legendary Jewish Deli in Los Angeles that hosted dignitaries including Mick Jagger, Haim, and Guns & Roses. Known as ?Mini Patrón,? or ?El Patrón? which is little boss, Alex started waiting tables at age 13. After college, he returned to Canter?s and introduced POS and other innovations that didn?t always go well with the family members and employees. In 2015, Canter?s delivery business started to boom as they signed up for GrubHub, DoorDash, UberEATS, Postmates, delivery.com and more. Each company had its own proprietary software so there were nine separate tablets handling to-go orders in the kitchen. From this chaos, a new company was formed. Alex shares stories ranging from being a family-owned restaurant open 24/7 for the past 50-years to receiving a check for $100+M in venture meeting that lasted 25-minutes. During Family Business Entrepreneur?s Dream webinar, Alex will discuss everything from growing up in the family business to raising initial capital for the business. Afterwards, there will be a short Q&A session.
Succession Planning Roundtable: Two Years to Prepare: Wealth Transfer Strategies
We are in a golden age of tax-free wealth transfers. Gifts up to $13.61 million (or $27.22 million for a married couple) can be made on a tax-free basis. But in less than two years, this is expected to change. The federal estate tax exemption will be cut by more than half and adjusted for inflation on December 31, 2025, the date of its expiration. Even though it is possible that new tax laws will be passed between now and then, it's best to start thinking ahead and implementing strategic wealth transfer plans now for your family business. Our discussion will include explanations and pros/cons of GRATs, SLATs, FLPs, and more! Bea Wolper of Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin and Meredith Sugar of Taft/ will facilitate this discussion, give practical guidance, and answer any questions you may have. Don't miss this opportunity!